Outdoor escape games signpost


Our games

Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Brno
Length 330 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Ostrava
Length 210 minutes
Distance 1,3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Hradec Kralove
Length 330 minutes
Distance 2,0 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Olomouc
Length 240 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1199 ,- / group
The game can be played as 41 days
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 270 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Záhada starého Hradce
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Hradec Kralove
Length 150 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
from 1099 ,- / group
Tour de Wine - Po kapkách zločinu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Brno
Length 300 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Zkáza planety Země
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Olomouc
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
999 ,- / group
Tour de Wine - Po kapkách zločinu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 270 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pardubice
Length 330 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Černý panter Hradec Králové
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Hradec Kralove
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2,8 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemný podezřelý
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Brno
Length 450 minutes
Distance 3,8 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Pražské památky - Záhada korunovačních klenotů
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 240 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Tour de Wine - Po kapkách zločinu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pardubice
Length 300 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Únos červeného Cadillacu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Hradec Kralove
Length 150 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Černý panter Ostrava
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Ostrava
Length 150 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Cesta za pravěkým pokladem
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Brno
Length 240 minutes
Distance 5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
999 ,- / group
Hon na draka
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Brno
Length 180 minutes
Distance 5km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Černý panter Pardubice
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pardubice
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2,8 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemství staré Ostravy
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Ostrava
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Táborové dobrodružství
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Olomouc
Length 180 minutes
Distance 2,6 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
999 ,- / group
Národní technické muzeum - Milionový závod
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 150 minutes
Distance 1,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
from 1099 ,- / group
Tajemný podezřelý
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 300 minutes
Distance 4 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Pražské zajímavosti - V zakletí času
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 180 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
from 1299 ,- / group
Cestou za pardubickým perníkem
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pardubice
Length 180 minutes
Distance cca 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Lovci duchů - DUCH LESA
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 180 minutes
Distance 10 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemství starého dopisu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 60 minutes
Distance 1,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
990 ,- / group
Nadace Jedličkova ústavu – Vyšehradská jízda
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
1090 ,- / group
Zoo Lešná - Za lachtany přes celý svět
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Zlín
Length 330 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Lovci duchů - ZAKLETÁ STEZKA
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Length 160 minutes
Distance 4 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Kolo Jiřího Birka
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Lednice
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1199 ,- / group
Strašidýlko lednické
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Lednice
Length 75 minutes
Distance 1,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
999 ,- / group
Hledání elixíru věčného mládí
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Moravská Třebová
Length 180 minutes
Distance cca 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemství pokladu třetí říše
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Jablonné v Podještědí
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemství Templářů
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Litomyšl
Length 90 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Mafiáni v Děčíně
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Decin
Length 120 minutes
Distance 2.5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Smrťáček má potíže - Poradna Vigvam
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Prague
Length 150 minutes
Distance 3,8 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Zapomenutá minulost
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Tajemství času
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 200 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1199 ,- / group
Závod skřítka Čendy
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Lower Moravia
Length 180 minutes
Distance cca 1,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
from 999 ,- / group
Černý panter Praha
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Prague
Length 150 minutes
Distance 3 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Get Out Fun - Univerzální voucher
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Universal
Length 300 minutes
Distance 0 km
1199 ,- / group
Karlovarská láska
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Karlovy Vary
Length 120 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Rychnovský zázrak
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Rychnov na Moravě
Length 180 minutes
Distance 6,5km
For the number of players 1 to 8
1099 ,- / group
Hledání narozeninového pokladu - Pro holky
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Anywhere
Length 90 minutes
For the number of players 2 to 8
from 990 ,- / group
Legionáři na hranicích Moravy
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Lednice
Length 60 minutes
Distance 750 metrů
For the number of players 1 to 6
699 ,- / group
Hledání narozeninového pokladu - Pro kluky
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Anywhere
Length 90 minutes
For the number of players 2 to 8
from 990 ,- / group
Na stopě zmizelých štěňátek
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Anywhere
Length 120 minutes
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Hledání spisu Huga Wanderleye
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Svitavy
Length 90 minutes
Distance 1,7 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
1099 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Liberec
Length 330 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1299 ,- / group
Hledání léku v Českém Krumlově
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Cesky Krumlov
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2,4 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
1099 ,- / group
Tour de Wine - Po kapkách zločinu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Liberec
Length 240 minutes
Distance 1,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Dávný zločin
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Žatec
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Záhada budějovických hradeb
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location České Budějovice
Length 180 minutes
Distance 3,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Vražda v hotelu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pec pod Sněžkou
Length 120 minutes
Distance 1 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
699 ,- / group
Odhalení tajemství: Najdi mého vraha
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Kutná Hora
Length 150 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
Velká stříbrná loupež: Odcizení jihlavského pokladu
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Jihlava
Length 180 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
info od 10 let
999 ,- / group
Klíč do neznáma
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Pelhřimov
Length 120 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
from 999 ,- / group
Za rohem číhá drak
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Kadaň
Length 120 minutes
Distance 2,5 km
For the number of players 1 to 8
999 ,- / group
Hon na permoníka
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Příbram
Length 120 minutes
Distance 2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
999 ,- / group
Tour de Beer - Výlet do budoucnosti
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Gray Star
Location Zlín
Length 180 minutes
Distance 2,0 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
1099 ,- / group
The game can be played as 41 days
Bílá paní mikulovská
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Golden Star
Location Mikulov
Length 75 minutes
Distance 1,2 km
For the number of players 1 to 6
849 ,- / group
Gofcon Loading

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Customer service

Personal check-in 9:00 - 12:00 (except weekends and holidays)

Business Opportunities

Ing. Jan Němec


City Street Games s.r.o.
Kaprova 42/14
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00
ID: 065 55 683